


2006年01月25日,TOM集团有限公司(股票号码∶2383) 于香港联合交易所主板上市。




近日,中国移动通信集团广东有限公司湛江分公司(下文简称湛江移动)携手华为基于SPN网络开展1588v2时间源下沉创新试点方案,引入ATOM 创新技术,验证了该方案具备可行性、可用性、可靠性以及成本更优的特点,定位面向5.5G和算力时代的演进能力,打造SPN智能化时间同步网络。  湛江移动华为联合创新

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/126/a1257834.html - 通稿 - 新闻 - 2024-3-20

China Mobile's 5G Package Customers Increased by 20.2 Million in November

China Mobile announced its operational data for November 2023 yesterday, with a net increase of 171000 customers and a total of 990.948 million users.

http://en.c114.com.cn/576/a1251582.html - 原创 - English - 2023-12-21

Huawei Car BU Goes Towards Independence

Both parties promise to engage in long-term cooperation and strategic collaboration with the target company.

http://en.c114.com.cn/577/a1250038.html - 原创 - English - 2023-12-5

Chang'an Automobile Builds 5G Green Smart Factory in Yubei with China Unicom and Huawei

Chang'an Automobile partnered with China Unicom and Huawei to build its Yubei Factory, which sets the new standard for 5G green, smart factories.The Y

http://en.c114.com.cn/577/a1248199.html - 通稿 - English - 2023-11-16

Chang'an Automobile Leads the Way in Adopting 5G LAN-based 5G Private Network PLUS

At the 2021 China Unicom Partnership Conference, China Unicom unveiled its upgraded 5G private network product system5G Private Network PLUS. This new

http://en.c114.com.cn/579/a1248198.html - 通稿 - English - 2023-11-16



https://www.c114.com.cn/news/138/a1242315.html - 转载 - 新闻 - 2023-9-7

传音Tecno Phantom V Flip可折叠手机新渲染图曝光

传音旗下手机品牌 Tecno 计划推出名为 Phantom V Flip 的中端翻盖折叠屏手机,采用类似于三星 Galaxy Z Flip 的竖向折叠屏设计,会提供黑色,白色以及紫色三种颜色。Phantom V Flip 的手机渲染图曝光之后,这款手机的模糊手机保护套近日现身电商平台,售价为 16.

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/51/a1242021.html - 转载 - 新闻 - 2023-9-5

China Mobile Adds 14.848 Million 5G Customers in June

In June, the net number of increase in 5G customers for China Mobile was 14.848 million, reaching a cumulative total of 721.804 million.

http://en.c114.com.cn/576/a1238298.html - 原创 - English - 2023-7-24

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