

ZTE —— 中兴通讯股份有限公司


ZTE's R&D Expenses Accounted for over 20% of its Revenue Last Year

The annual report shows that ZTE's R&D expenses in 2023 were CNY 25.289 billion, a year-on-year increase of 17.01%, accounting for 20.35% of revenue.

http://en.c114.com.cn/577/a1257124.html - 原创 - English - 2024-3-12

China Telecom Tianyi Gateway 4.0 Completes First Selection

According to the evaluation results, 10 manufacturers including ZTE, FiberHome, Huawei, and Shanghai Nokia Bell were shortlisted.

http://en.c114.com.cn/576/a1254166.html - 原创 - English - 2024-1-31

ZTE's Net Profit Increases by 15% YoY in the First Three Quarters

Its net profit attributable to shareholders reached 7.84 billion yuan, representing a 15.0% YoY increase.

http://en.c114.com.cn/574/a1246720.html - 原创 - English - 2023-10-31

ZTE undergoes organizational restructuring

This is a comprehensive integration that brings together strategic planning, operational management, finance, human resources, supply chain, legal affairs, compliance, and channel management, among other departments.

http://en.c114.com.cn/577/a1237776.html - 原创 - English - 2023-7-17

全国政协副主席高云龙参观True &ZTE泰国创新中心 中泰两国企业并肩携手,探路泰国数字经济发展

近日,全国政协副主席、全国工商联主席高云龙在中国驻泰国大使馆经商处张潇潇参赞等领导陪同下莅临位于泰国曼谷True数字园区的TrueZTE创新中心参观。正大集团首席执行官,True Corporation执行委员会主席谢镕仁,中兴通讯董事长李自学陪同参观并对高云龙主席一行来访表示热烈欢迎和感谢。Tru

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/127/a1237488.html - 通稿 - 新闻 - 2023-7-13

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