

MIIT —— Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China


The MIIT Organizes Pilot Projects for Network Security Insurance Services

Based on the current types of network security insurance in China, the pilot insurance mainly includes two categories: network security property insurance and network security liability insurance.

http://en.c114.com.cn/575/a1251575.html - 原创 - English - 2023-12-21

MIIT: 2G/3G Network Withdrawal is an Inevitable Choice

2G/3G network dropout is an inevitable choice for the upgrading of mobile communication networks, and it is also the main international practice at present.

http://en.c114.com.cn/575/a1250360.html - 原创 - English - 2023-12-7

MIIT: Promoting the Opening of Telecommunication Services to Private Capital

The draft puts forward sixteen specific measures in five aspects.

http://en.c114.com.cn/575/a1244849.html - 原创 - English - 2023-10-10

MIIT Seeks Development Path for 5G RedCap

Several mentioned figures in the draft are particularly worth industry attention.

http://en.c114.com.cn/575/a1241653.html - 原创 - English - 2023-8-30

MIIT Allows China Telecom to Repurpose 800MHz Spectrum for 5G

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology granted permission to China Telecom to repurpose the 800MHz frequency band, which was previously used for 2G/3G/4G systems, for public mobile communication systems in 5G.

http://en.c114.com.cn/575/a1241173.html - 原创 - English - 2023-8-25

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