

CTI —— Computer Telephony Integration
  CTI技术是从传统的计算机电话集成(Computer Telephony Integration)技术发展而来的,最初是想将计算机技术应用到电话系统中,能够自动地对电话中的信令信息进行识别处理,并通过建立有关的话路连接,而向用户传送预定的录音文件、转接来话等。而到现在,CTI技术已经发展成“计算机电信集成”技术(Computer TelecommunicationIntegration),即其中的“T”已经发展成“Telecommunication”,这意味着目前的CTI技术不仅要处理传统的电话语音,而且要处理包括传真、电子邮件等其它形式的信息媒体。

China Unicom's 5G Package Users Increase by 4.2 Million in January

According to the data, the cumulative number of China Unicom's "Big Connect" users reached 1.001715 billion, breaking through 1 billion for the first time.

http://en.c114.com.cn/576/a1255604.html - 原创 - English - 2024-2-27

China Telecom Tianyi Gateway 4.0 Completes First Selection

According to the evaluation results, 10 manufacturers including ZTE, FiberHome, Huawei, and Shanghai Nokia Bell were shortlisted.

http://en.c114.com.cn/576/a1254166.html - 原创 - English - 2024-1-31

China Telecom Tianyi Gateway 4.0 Centralized Procurement Begins Preselection

10G PON is a key technology supporting the development of gigabit services.

http://en.c114.com.cn/576/a1252900.html - 原创 - English - 2024-1-11

Special Action to be Lauched to Upgrade Mobile Network Signals

It is worth mentioning that in terms of strengthening network coverage in key scenarios, the notice is aimed at 11 key scenarios.

http://en.c114.com.cn/575/a1252481.html - 原创 - English - 2024-1-4



https://www.c114.com.cn/market/220/a1251367.html - 转载 - 市场 - 2023-12-19

TE Connectivity连续第12 年入选“道琼斯可持续发展指数”

连接和传感领域的全球行业技术领先企业TE Connectivity (以下简称TE)连续第12年入选道琼斯可持续发展指数。再次入选该指数证明了TE不懈地致力于既为客户创造价值、又符合公司对投资者的承诺的可持续商业实践。道琼斯可持续发展指数使用标普全球企业可持续发展评估框架分析了全球约13,000家公

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/16/a1251271.html - 通稿 - 新闻 - 2023-12-18

AIS Scoops the "5G Network Construction Efficiency Improvement" Award at the 5G Core Summit

The 5G Core Summit, a highly prestigious event in the telecommunications industry, recently concluded in Istanbul, Trkiye. AIS, the Thai telecommunica

http://en.c114.com.cn/579/a1249037.html - - English - 2023-11-24

仅次于GPT-4,Inflection AI发布Inflection-2模型

Inflection AI 发布 Inflection-2,官方声称仅次于 OpenAI 的 GPT-4,是全球第二代大语言模型(LLM)。Inflection AI 表示 Inflection-2 在 5000 块英伟达 H100 GPU 上进行 FP8 混合精度训练,具有~102 FLOP。In

https://www.c114.com.cn/ai/5339/a1248866.html - 转载 - 2023-11-23

China Mobile Empowers Closer and Effective Communication with New Calling

As 5G begins to ramp up, new services are emerging one after another. According to GSMA, the penetration rate of mobile users in China has exceeded 11

http://en.c114.com.cn/576/a1247572.html - - English - 2023-11-10

TE Connectivity与新华三集团签署战略合作协议

近日,连接和传感领域的全球行业技术领先企业TE Connectivity (以下简称TE)与新华三集团(以下简称新华三)在杭州签署传感器相关战略合作协议。双方将在工业传感器解决方案研发与落地、工业互联网技术孵化、人才培养与交流等多方面展开深度合作,以期打造差异化产品和市场优势,更好地服务各行业数字化

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/213/a1247400.html - 通稿 - 新闻 - 2023-11-8

TE Connectivity公布2023财年第四季度及全年财报

近日,TE Connectivity(以下简称TE)发布了截至2023年9月29日的第四季度及全年财报。第四财季亮点净销售额为40亿美元,与2022财年第四季度(13周计算周期)的销售额相比基本持平,自然下降2%。持续经营业务产生的GAAP稀释后每股收益为1.75美元,同比下降21%。调整后每股收益

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/123/a1247142.html - 通稿 - 新闻 - 2023-11-6

National Fiber Optic Cable Production Reaches 246 Million Fiber-kilometers in the first three quarte

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the cumulative production of fiber optic cables in the first three quarters of 2023 reached 246 million fiber-kilometers, representing a year-on-year decrease of 7.7%.

http://en.c114.com.cn/579/a1246281.html - 原创 - English - 2023-10-26

Huawei's David Wang: UBB5.5G Maximizes Digital Productivity

[Dubai, the UAE, October 12, 2023] At the 9th Ultra-Broadband Forum (UBBF 2023), David Wang, Huawei's Executive Director of the Board and Chairman of

http://en.c114.com.cn/577/a1245141.html - 通稿 - English - 2023-10-12

iPhone 15 Pro的Action键自定义功能,安卓早在8年前就有

iPhone 15系列新增的Action按键,不仅仅是一颗静音按键,还能通过自定义展现出多达9中不同的功能。然而,在安卓机阵营中,实际上早在8年前就推出了类似的功能。2015年,荣耀7发布,其搭载的智灵键,支持一键单击、双击、长按可以拍照、快速打开应用、语音控制或进入不同的情景模式,还能对按键形式与

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/51/a1244432.html - 转载 - 新闻 - 2023-10-4

Accelerating the Construction of "World Optics Valley" in Hubei Province

On September 21st, the official website of the Hubei Provincial Government released a notice regarding the action plan to accelerate the construction of the "World Optics Valley."

http://en.c114.com.cn/575/a1244369.html - 原创 - English - 2023-9-30


[中国,上海,2023年9月20日] 今天,在中国上海举办的2023华为全连接(HC)大会中举办了华为网络安全治理分论坛。本次分论坛的主题为夯实网络与数据安全,护航数字化智能化转型,吸引了全球多个区域国家的客户、伙伴200多位代表现场参会。近年来网络安全形势愈发严峻,安全事件层出不穷。对企业而言,随

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/126/a1243601.html - 通稿 - 新闻 - 2023-9-21

Deductible Proportion of R&D Expenses for Integrated Circuit Enterprises Increases to 120%

For expenses that have formed intangible assets, they can be amortized before tax at 220% of the cost of intangible assets during the aforementioned period.

http://en.c114.com.cn/575/a1243256.html - 原创 - English - 2023-9-19

TE Connectivity携工业、医疗和交通解决方案亮相2023 SENSOR CHINA

全球三大传感器展之一的中国(上海)国际传感器技术与应用展览会(SENSOR CHINA),时隔三年再次于上海跨国采购会展中心盛大启幕。连接和传感领域的全球行业技术领先企业TE Connectivity (以下简称TE)携其工业、医疗和交通运输领域的热门产品及解决方案亮相:不仅将集中展出汽车传感器解决

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/211/a1242924.html - 通稿 - 新闻 - 2023-9-14

第三方配件厂Spigen下场爆料,苹果iPhone 15系列改用 Action 按钮

苹果将于 9 月 13 日凌晨 1 点举办苹果秋季特别活动,本次活动主角之一就是 iPhone 15系列。目前关于 iPhone15 系列机型的风声已持续数月,不过最大的改变,在于取消了自 2007 年初代 iPhone 发布以来的静音拨片,改为 Action 按钮。此前的爆料主要来自各种可靠消息源

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/51/a1242634.html - 转载 - 新闻 - 2023-9-12

苹果iPhone15 Pro Max第三方保护套偷跑上手:改用Action按钮

苹果配件厂商 Spigen 近日在亚马逊偷跑上架了适用于 iPhone 15 ProMax 的保护套,爱好者 Kevin Aubin 订购并分享了该保护套的实物照片。注:Spigen 目前在京东上有官方旗舰店,该公司成立于 2005 年,官方介绍为苹果推荐品牌。Spigen 本次为 iPhone 1

https://www.c114.com.cn/news/51/a1241724.html - 转载 - 新闻 - 2023-8-31

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